Jumat, 10 September 2010

OPOR ayam khas bunda

HaHaHa.....ini sedikit menyimpang dari dota...
cuman pengen menyebarkan resep dan tata cara pembuatan opor yang diajarin ma bundakuw...hahahaha...

Opor ayam merupakan menu yang wajib ada di saat Lebaran. Opor ayam yang kami buat di hari istimewa ini , biasanya bumbunyapun kami buat istimewa, sehingga rasanya menjadi khas banget.

coba dech resepnya....


1 ekor ayam potong 12. , 7 siung bawang putih, 5 bawang merah, 2 ruas jari jahe, 1 ruas jari kunyit, 2 batang serai, 1 sdt jinten, 1 sdm ketumbar, 4 buah kemiri, 4 lembar daun salam., garam secukupnya., 2 liter santan kental.


haluskan bumbu, kecuali daun serai dan daun salam.

Masukkan ayam, aduk sebentar.

Masukkan santan

Masak hingga bumbu meresap dan kuah mengental.

Rabu, 08 September 2010

Ucapan Met Lebaran

Teman-teman...minta maap ya klo selama ini ada salah kata ataupun perbuatan yang dilakuin baik secara sengaja ataupun tidak sengaja....

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

tipe-tipe pemain dota

Tipe2 pemain dota :

The Gold Farmer
Tipe pemain ini mungkin berasal dari pemain World of Warcraft, karena yg dia lakukan hanya mencari duit,dan mencari item2 yah WAH!
Bahkan ketika temen2nya dihajar habis2an ma musuh pun dia bakal diem saja,dan tetep nerusin cari duit.
Seseorang seharusnya ngasih tau klo semua yg dia dapetin bkal hilang setelah kira2 1 jam
Strategi : bokong dia,dia terlalu sibuk dgn cari duit dan nggak bakal ngeliat hal lain selain itu,bahkan untuk ganking dgn musuh sekalipun
Hero yg cocok : Alchemist,Doom

The Wannabe Hero
Tipe pemain ini biasanya menghilang untuk farming dan tiba2 menjadi godlike ketika keluar.
Dia nggak bakal bantu temennya klo nggak yakin 100% bakalan bisa bunuh musuhnya.
Dia mungkin bisa menjadi dewa di menit ke 40-50 atau malah menjadi sangat berguna ke tim spt 3 lothar edge pada stealth assassin.
Strategi : harass dan deny dia trs,klo pergi ikuti dia ke hutan atau pasang mata banyak2 di hutan
Hero yg cocok : Clinkz, Clinkz, Clinkz, Naix, Terror Blade

The Rambo
Pernahkah melihat seseorang yg menuju kerumunan hero dan mati, dan kemudian mulai teriak2,
"SIALAN!!!PADA NGGAK BANTUIN YAH!!!!" (kemudian malah "The Rambo has left the game" jika dicuekin)?
Orang2 tipe ini kesusahan dalam pengetahuan kapan akan dibokong. Dia tidak tau arti "clink2" pemberitahuan dr temen2nya. Mungkin krn sebagian dr mereka buta warna kali yah shg bingung ketika baca minimap yg akhirnya mengabaikannya.
Strategi : biarkan saja dia mati...
Hero yg cocok : Centaur,bristleback

The Newbie
Newbie dan noob itu beda. Newbie biasanya berusaha memberi kontribusi ke tim,mengikuti perintah,dan sesekali bertanya tips biar dia bisa menjadi player yg lebih baik. Noob itu orang yg udah main dota lama tp tetep aj dibantai orang2,spam di chat,atau bahkan menjadi leaver. Newbie harus dijaga dgn baik dan diberikan bantuan.
Strategi : bilang ke dia klo pengen menang harus mencapai fountain musuh.
Hero yg cocok : Stealth Assassin, sniper.

The Silent Veteran
Ini tipe pemain yg harus diwaspadai. Ketika awal2 game,dia ngobrol cuma sedikit. Saat dia dapet triple kill,dia diem seribu bahasa. Bahkan ketika dia sudah holyshit pun dia masih saja diem dan nggak berkoar-koar. Kenapa dia diem?karena dia sudah terlalu terbiasa owning....
Strategi : lebih baik lari atau bokong bareng2
Hero yg cocok : semua

The Leader
Tipe ini bakal ngasih tau ke temen klo bakal dibokong atau sering ngasih perintah "b" atau "push" ke temen. Biasanya dia punya strategi yg bagus dan penting untuk tim. Apakah dia bener atau nggak terserah kamu.
Strategi : jika kemu sudah tahu leader dr musuhmu,bokong bareng2 dia dan suruh salah seorang temenmu untuk ngepush salah satu lane dan kemudian balik. Dia bakal sibuk ngasih tau temennya dgn "clink2" atau ngasih perintah ke temennya sehingga dia bakal lengah selama kira2 5 detik. Dan jika kamu percaya saranku ini,aku bakal nyaranin Aghanim pada Naix.
Hero yg cocok : Techies

The Quitter/The Leaver
Tipe ini jika tim dia sudah ancur seluruh towernya bakalan yg pertama kali bilang GG. Dia juga yg bakal pertama kali keluar. Tipe ini sebenarnya sudah kalah sebelum permainan.
Strategi : Bokong bareng2 dia selama beberapa kali dan kamu bakal ngelawan 4vs5
Hero yg cocok : semua

The Never-Say_Die
Kebalikan dari tipe di atas,tipe ini bakalan terus berjuang sampai mati bahkan ketika harus melawan 5 hero sekaligus untuk mempertahankan frozen atau tree. Kasih dia medali karena mungkin dia telah bertahan waktu perang dunia kedua di kehidupan sebelumnya.
Strategi : kasihan dia, biarkan saja dia kecuali dia dah owning
Hero yg cocok : semua

The 12 years old
Dia bakalan teriak2 klo dah mbunuh hero. Mungkin dia baru saja main CS dan beranjak ke dota. Waktu awal2 dia bakalan chat nggak jelas. Satu hal yg bagus adalah tipe ini gampang dibunuh gara2 pikirannya yg lemot dan pengambilan keputusan yg jelek.
Strategi : cuekin saja dia,masih banyak hal lain yg lebih produktif drpd mengurusinya
Hero yg cocok : semua

The Coward
Melihat bahaya?lari ke fountain
tipe ini sangat menyebalkan untuk timnya dan nggak berguna sama sekali
perlu kutambahin lagi?
Strategi : bokong dia dari belakang,soalnya mau lari ke fountain juga mampus
Hero yg cocok : Stealth Assassin,Clink,Sniper

The Partially afk
Ketika kamu sedang berjuang mati2an untuk menang,mereka malah main sambil makan keripik,atau memotong kuku,dan sambil lalu melihat ke game. Mereka sebenarnya main dota krn nggak ada hal lain yg bs dikerjakan. Mungkin kamu bakalan melihat hero dia duduk tenang di fountain selama 10 menit ketika dia enak2an pergi ke WC.
Strategi : ... bingung mau ngasih apa
Hero yg cocok : semua

The Unaware
Kamu baru dibokong 2 orang musuh padahal temenmu ada di dekatmu creeping. Dia masih tidak tau apa yg terjadi. Pemain tipe ini bener2 bikin stress krn refleknya yg lemot dan nggak pernah liat map.
Strategi : blink dan stun,dia bakalan nggak tau apa yg terjadi
Hero yg cocok : semua

The Backdoor Bandit
Nggak seperti pemain dota yg normal,tipe pemain ini termasuk licik. Dia bakal nungguin semua pemain musuh milih hero mereka dan memilih hero yg bisa mengcounter semua hero mereka. Ketika musuh ngepush tower,dia malah ngancurin tower musuhnya dgn tenang. Dia jarang muncul di map,cuma dia juga jarang mati dan menghancurkan banyak tower musuh.
Tipe pemain ini sebenanya pengecut,cuma pinter (OMG).
Strategi : Cari boots of travel secepatnya!!!!
Hero yg cocok : Gondar,Clink,Stealth Assassin,Furion,Tinker

The Guide Freaks
Habis dia membaca guide,dia bakalan mengikutinya sampai akhir. Biasanya mereka punya kepurusan yg baik saat embeli item. Sayangnya dia kurang kreatif dan fleksibel,jadi bakalan ngambil item yg ada di guide bagaimanapun situasinya.
Strategi : Kira2 saja item yg akan dibeli,dan counter dia!
Hero yg cocok : Semua

The Afraid to Die
mirip spt tipe coward,cuma dia lebih jarang kabur. Dia sebenarnya nggak berguna di awal2 tp lumayan berguna di akhir2 sbg tanker soalnya item yg dibelinya berkisar antara vanguard, aegis, mekans, heart,cuirass, preserverence.
Apakah dia bisa ngekill?Tidak. Apakah dia bisa selamat ketika dibokong?Tidak. Apakah dia pernah pergi balik ke fountain untuk ngeheal?Tidak.
Strategi : Banyak orang tidak sadar klo regen sebenarnya tidak terlalu berguna di team battles,krn paling cuma berkisar selama 4-6 detik saja. Dgn harga yg sangat mahal,kamu cuma dapet regen 40-60 saja selama team battle.
Hero yg cocok : Centaur, Tiny, Tide Hunter, Abaddon, Omniknigth

The Assassin
Jika kamu bertemu tipe pemain ini,LARI! biasanya mereka adalah team leader dan beberapa bahkan jatuh ke kategori pitbull. Mereka bakalan make segala cara untuk menghancurkan team musuh. Tiba2 saja dia sudah ada di dekatmu sambil membawa sekawanan teman2 dia.
Strategi : Cari cara untuk kabur spt blink dagger atau lothar
Hero yg cocok : Morphling, Venge, Furion, Spirit Breaker, Queen of Pain,Gondar,Phantom Assassin.

The Mystic
Tipe ini bakalan nyari rune of illusion dan membodohimu agar menghajar illusion itu dgn semua spell yg ada. Dan kemudian biasanya habis itu dia datang dgn membawa temen atau kadang datang sendiri dgn kamu sendiri tidak punya mana dan spell yg aktif,yg kemudian tiba2 healthmu sudah tinggal 1/2 dan dislow habis2an. Dan bukan cuma itu. Ketika temenmu bantuin,ternyata dia sudah kabur dan meninggalkan illusion yg dihajar habis2an oleh temenmu.
Dia sangat susah dibunuh,dan sangat kreatif baik dalam gameplay maupun item. Untungnya tipe ini sendiri termasuk jarang.
Strategi : pakai mata/ward untuk mendeteksi dia,dan disable/stun habis2an.
Hero yg cocok : Morphling,Phantom Lancer,Siren,dsb yg tukang bikin illusion

The Overlord
Pernahkah kamu baru enak2 jungling tiba2 dateng chen dgn serombongan Centaur,Furbolg,Satyr shg kamu nggak bisa apa?
Tipe ini bakalan membawa serombongan pasukan dari paman,sampai kakek nenek untuk menghancurkan tower dan barak.
Strategi : pakai saja AOE hero
Hero yg cocok : Chen, Dirge, Furion, Keeper of The Light, Naga Siren.

The Pub Stomper
Tipe pemain ini benernya dah sangat ahli dan sudah bermain di berbagai turnamen dota yg berkelas. Dia tau segala macam item dan semua hero,dan jago last hit, deny, animation canceling,dsb. Kadang2 saja dia gabung ke pub games dan membantai mereka dgn kekuatan penuh agar tampak jago.
Strategi : berdoa saja 4 temen dia bener2 idiot
Hero yg cocok : semua

wew...klo diliat-liat ni anak amaz kbanyakan main tipe the Ramboo...
buat apa takut mati toh ntar idup lagi...wekekeke

map 6.68

prubahan2 di map 6.68

* Added a new hero (Wisp)

Hero Class: Guardian Wisp
Hero Name: Io

Range: 525
Movement Speed: 295
Hero Type: Strength
Starting Armor: 0
Starting Damage: 33-42

Agility: 14 + 1.6
Strength: 17 + 1.9
Intelligence: 23 + 1.7

Io tethers himself to an allied unit, granting both units bonus movement speed. Any enemy units that contact the tether will be stunned. The tether will break if it stretches beyond 900 units. Lasts 12 seconds.

Movement Bonus: 20/25/30/35%
Stun Duration: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0

Cooldown: 12
Manacost: 40

If you try to tether a unit that is a outside its range (by up to 900) Io will latch on and pull himself closer to the unit.

Tether transfers other states on the hero to the allied unit. This includes Overcharge, Relocate and any time you regenerate hp/mp.

Note: Has a sub ability that lets you break the tether.

Io summons 5 ancient Spirits over the course of 6 seconds; the Spirits dance around Io in a circle to protect him. If an enemy hero moves close enough to touch a Spirit, the Spirit releases its life energy in a burst, damaging and slowing all enemies in a 300 area of effect. Non hero units only take minor damage upon touching a spirit and do not cause them to explode.

You have two sub abilities. One to move them outwards and one to call them back in. You can stop them at any distance by toggling the ability order.

Damage per Spirit: 25/50/75/100
Slow: 30%

Cooldown: 14
Manacost: 120/130/140/150

Ability Code: A1T8

Io draws on more energy than he can safely handle, granting him bonus attack speed, but draining 2.5% of his current HP and MP per second. If Io is tethered to an ally the bonus attack speed is also granted to that ally.

This is a toggle ability.

Attack Speed: 60/80/100/120

Note: This bonus affects a tethered unit as well.

Io temporarily relocates himself, along with any tethered hero, to the target location for 12 seconds.

There is a casting delay and the enemy has visual indicators on the minimap and the world of the teleport before it happens.

Cast Delay: 2.5/2.25/2.0
Cooldown: 80/60/40
Manacost: 100

Note: If an allied hero is Tethered, that hero will teleported along with you. You can break the tether at any time to prevent that hero from returning back with you. -disablehelp is available for this ability.

* Added a new hero (Thrall)

Hero Class: Far Seer
Hero Name: Thrall

Range: 600
Movement Speed: 300
Hero Type: Intelligence
Starting Armor: 1
Starting Damage: 49-53

Agility: 15 + 1.4
Strength: 19 + 1.9
Intelligence: 22 + 2.5

Thunder Strike:
Thrall curses the target to be struck by thunder 3 times over 4 seconds. Foes nearby the victim will also be damaged.

Damage per strike: 50/75/100/125
Secondary AOE: 200

Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 100/110/120/130

Ability Code: A1TV

Thrall forces the target back to it's previous position through a psionic rift. Sends the unit to where it was 4 seconds ago.

Cast Range: 600/1000/1400/1800

Cooldown: 60/50/40/30
Manacost: 160/130/100/70

Kinetic Field:
Thrall summons a circular barrier of kinetic energy, keeping enemies from walking in or out of it. The barrier has an aoe of 300.

Has a 1.2 second cast delay before the field is fully formed.

Duration: 2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds

Cooldown: 14
Cast Range: 900
Manacost: 70

Static Storm:
Creates an area of electric instability which damages and silences enemies in the area. The effect starts off weak and then intensifies over 5 seconds, dealing increasing amounts of damage, before disappearing.

Final DPS: 170/210/250
AOE: 375
Manacost: 125/175/225
Cooldown: 60

Note: The damage starts off slow and ramps up continuously until it reaches the max

* Added a new hero (Eredar)

Hero Class: Shadow Demon
Hero Name: Eredar

Range: 500
Movement Speed: 295
Hero Type: Intelligence
Starting Armor: 3
Starting Damage: 53-57

Agility: 18 + 2.2
Strength: 17 + 1.9
Intelligence: 26 + 2.7

Eredar banishes the target to a dimensional pocket for 2.5 seconds, removing it from play for the duration. Upon return two images of the target are created under Eredar's control which last for 6 seconds.

Displacement duration: 2.5 seconds
Illusion Outgoing Damage: 30/40/50/60%
Illusion Incoming Damage: 150%
Illusion Duration: 6 seconds

Cast Range: 700
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 16

Note: Can target enemy, ally or self.

Ability Code: A1S8

Soul Catcher:
Ererdar lays a curse on an area; one random enemy unit in the area is afflicted with the curse, causing it to take increased damage for 12 seconds.

Damage Amplification: 20/30/40/50%

AOE: 500
Cast Range: 600
Manacost: 50
Cooldown: 13

Shadow Poison:
Eredar casts forth a shadowy poison which deals 50 damage and afflicts all it touches for 10 seconds. If a unit is affected again in this duration, the toxin will be renewed and amplified exponentially. At the end of the duration, the shadow poison deals extra damage for each time it affected the victim. You have small vision over affected heroes.

Each stack increases the damage it would deal exponentially, up to 4 stacks.

Level 1 Per stack: 20/40/80/160 + 50 each further stacks
Level 2 Per stack: 35/70/140/280 + 50 each further stacks
Level 3 Per stack: 50/100/200/400 + 50 each further stacks
Level 4 Per stack: 65/130/260/520 + 50 each further stacks

AOE: 150
Travel Distance: 1500

Cooldown: 3
Manacost: 50

Note: This has a sub ability to let you release the poison at any time.

Ability Code: A1S4

Demonic Purge:
Eredar casts a powerful demonic purge on a target enemy, removing all positive buffs. The purged target slowly regains its movement speed over 4 seconds. At the end of the purge the target takes damage.

Damage: 200/300/400

Cooldown: 50
Manacost: 200

Ability Code: A1SA

* Added a new hero (Gyrocopter)

Hero Class: Gyrocopter
Hero Name: Aurel Vlaicu

Range: 375
Movement Speed: 305
Hero Type: Agility
Starting Armor: 2
Starting Damage: 41-51

Agility: 24 + 2.4
Strength: 18 + 1.8
Intelligence: 23 + 2.1

Rocket Barrage:
Gyrocopter unleashes a massive salvo of rockets, striking random units in a 400 aoe. Fires 30 rockets over 3 seconds.

Damage per rocket: 10/12/14/16

Cooldown: 6.5
Manacost: 90

Note: The rockets can only hit units you have vision over.

Ability Code: A1SO

Homing Missile:
The Gyrocopter launches a homing missile that will follow the target until it impacts. The missile is inactive for 3 seconds upon launch and then begins slowly accelerating towards the target. Stuns the target for 2.5 seconds and deals damage based on how much it traveled. The missle can be destroyed by 3 attacks from a hero or tower.

Maximum damage is dealt at 2000 distance traveled (does not increase beyond that distance)

Maximum Damage: 100/200/300/400
Stun Duration: 2.5

Cooldown: 20/18/16/14
Manacost: 120/130/140/150
Cast Range: 900

Notes: Towers do half damage. Enemy has vision over the rocket once it starts moving.

Ability Code: A1SQ

Flak Cannon:
The Gyrocopter enables all of its cannons, allowing its attacks to strike all enemies in a 800 aoe. Lasts for a limited number of attacks or 15 seconds. Does not work with illusions.

Your attack range is still limited to 375 range.

Attacks: 3/4/5/6
Manacost: 50
Cooldown: 20

Ability Code: A1TW

Call Down:
The Gyrocopter launches two missiles at the targeted area. The first missile strikes in 2 seconds, followed by the second missile at 4 seconds. Enemies in the area when a missile strikes are damaged and slowed.

Primary Missle Damage: 250/300/350
Primary Missle Slow: 20%
Primary Missle Slow Duration: 2

Secondary Missle Damage: 100/150/200
Secondary Missle Slow: 50%
Secondary Missle Slow Duration: 3

Cast Range: 1000

AOE: 400
Cooldown: 55/50/45
Manacost: 125

Note: The visual warning indicator is visible for allies only. The enemies can see the rockets fly out of you though.

- Unstable Concoction manacost from 90 to 120
- Unstable Concoction damage rescaled from 150/200/250/300 to 120/180/240/300

- Spell Shield increased from 10/20/30/40 to 15/25/35/45

- Battle Hunger now slows the target by 8% until it runs out or kills another unit

Bane Elemental
- Brain Sap cooldown from 20 to 16
- Fiend's Grip Scepter upgrade now drains 10% mana per second instead of 5%

Blood Seeker
- Agility gain increased from 2.6 to 3.0

Bounty Hunter
- Jinada cooldown from 21/16/11/6 to 15/12/9/6
- Track now gives 50 bonus bounty to all units affected by the track aura of that target
- Track bonus gold is treated as Reliable Gold

- Armor decreased by 2

Chaos Knight
- Reality Rift manacost increased from 50 to 70
- Starting str decreased by 4 and increased base damage by 4 to keep it constant

- Armor increased by 1
- Battery Assault damage increased from 10/30/50/70 to 15/35/55/75
- Hookshot cooldown rescaled from 80/60/40 to 70/55/40

- Tombstone cast range increased from 250 to 600

Doom Bringer
- LVL? Death mana cost rescaled from 85/105/125/145 to 110
- Scorched Earth mana cost increased from 60 to 60/65/70/75
- Scorched Earth movement speed bonus reduced from 20% to 16%
- Starting intelligence reduced from 16 to 13

Drow Ranger
- No longer has full night vision (same as the other heroes now, 800)

- Strength gain increased from 1.4 to 1.7

- Macropyre travel range from 600/750/900 to 900

- Healing Ward manacost rescaled from 140 to 80/100/120/140
- Healing Ward regeneration increased from 1/2/3/4% to 1/2/4/5%

- Armor reduced by 1
- Ice Blast cooldown from 44/32/20 to 45

- Carrion Swarm cooldown decreased from 9 base to 8 base (5->4 when fully upgraded)

- Psi Blades spill range from 320 to 320/340/360/380

- Vampiric Aura lifesteal improved from 10/16/22/28% to 15/20/25/30%
- Reincarnation manacost increased from 100 to 140
- Reworked Hellfire Blast
Old Hellfire Blast:
Stun Duration: 2
Damage: 100/150/200/250
Cooldown: 8
Manacost: 140

New Hellfire Blast:
Ignites the target on fire, dealing damage over time. Stuns the target for a brief period followed by a movement speed reduction.

Stun Duration: 2
Slow Duration: 2
Slow Amount: 15%
Damage per second: 30/45/60/75
Cooldown: 8
Manacost: 140

Note: The dps duration is the full 4 seconds.

- Split Earth stun duration increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to a constant 2

- Movement speed increased by 10
- Starting damage rescaled from 37-56 to 42-51

Lina Inverse
- Laguna Blade level 1 cooldown from 150 to 120
- Light Strike Array cooldown from 8 to 7

- Eclipse now turns day into night for 10 seconds
- Lunar Blessing bonus damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 8/16/24/32
- Lunar Blessing now always provides full night vision

- Movement speed decreased from 300 to 290
- Strength gain decreased from 1.85 to 1.65

- Teleport now has a tp scroll style indicator displayed for your allies
- Agility increased from 15 + 1.5 to 18 + 1.9

- Movement speed increased from 300 to 305
- Poof manacost from 140/120/100/80 to 80

- Base damage improved by 5
- Casting Open Wounds no longer loses attack focus

Nerubian Weaver
- Shukuchi now has a 0.25 second fade time
- The Swarm manacost increased from 75 to 100
- The Swarm vision reduced from to 500 to 250

- Base damage increased by 10
- Crippling Fear's miss chance from 10/20/30/40% to 40%

Ogre Magi
- Int gain increased from 1.9 to 2.4
- Fireblast rescaled from 75/125/175/275 to 80/145/210/275 (146745)
- Multi Cast manacost increase for Firebalst rescaled from 30/80/110 to 30/70/110 (146745)

Obsidian Destroyer
- Astral Imprisonment no longer causes the target to lose vision over that area
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Obsidian Destroyer (along with a new visual effect)

Damage Multiplier from 8/9/10 to 9/10/11 and cast range from 600/650/700 to 700/750/800

Omni Knight
- Movement speed increased by 5

Pandarean Brewmaster
- Drunken Haze slow increased from 10/14/18/22 to 14/18/22/26

Priestess of the Moon
- Moonlight Shadow's cooldown rescaled from 160 to 180/160/140,
- Moonlight Shadow's duration rescaled from 7/9/11 to 11.

- Illusory Orb cooldown decreased from 15 to 13

- Flesh Heap is now retroactive (Meaning it keeps track of your kills and is always updating your str based on your current level of flesh heap)
- Reduced Flesh Heap aoe from 525 to 450
- Meat Hook damage type changed from physical to pure
- Meet Hook damage adjusted from 100/200/300/400 to 90/180/270/360

Queen of Pain
- Scream of Pain manacost rescaled from 140 to 110/120/130/140

- Static Link cooldown decreased from 45/40/35/30 to 35/30/25/20
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Razor (along with a new visual effect)

Increases striking speed from 0.85/0.75/0.60 to 0.7/0.6/0.5 and can target structures. Does not reduce structure's armor.

Ability Code: A1UV

Sand King
- Armor increased by 1

- Assassinate kills now give XP even if you are outside of range (208147)
- Night vision increased from 800 to 1000 (197918)

- Desolate damage increased from 15/25/35/45 to 20/30/40/50
- Dispersion reflection increased from 5/10/15/20 to 10/14/18/22

Spirit Breaker
- Empowering haste from 4/6/8/10 to 6/8/10/12
- Aghanim's Scepter Nether Strike now also increases cast range (400/550/700->550/700/850)
- Charge of Darkness speed boost updates at smoother 0.5 intervals and displays a counter above your head (267094)
- Added a button to make it more obvious how to initiate the charge earlier. You can still use the old move method though. (193994)

Stealth Assassin
- Base agility increased by 10

Base damage and armor decreased to remain the same overall after the extra agility

Tauren Chieftain
- Natural Order aoe from 250 to 275

- Remote mines now detonate when killed (145024)

- Soul Steal's secondary ability is now in the same position as the primary ability with the same hotkey (210124)

- Armor increased by 1

- Avalanche cooldown decreased from 20 to 17
- Toss cast range from 500/700/900/1100 to 700/900/1100/1300
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Tiny

Can target trees to pick them up as weapons (same as Stone Giant from ladder). Makes your attack range longer, gives you bonus damage against buildings and 50% splash in a 300 aoe for 3 attacks. Adds an extra level of upgrade to your toss damage that your ultimate normally does.

Ability Code: A1VH

Vengeful Spirit
- Magic Missile manacost rescaled from 95/110/125/140 to 110/120/130/140

- Poison Sting slow from 10 to 11/12/13/14

- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Viper

Cast Range increased from 500 to 800 and cooldown from 80/50/30 to 12

Ability Code: A1UZ

- Gravekeeper's Cloak armor bonus rescaled from 2/3/4/5 armor per layer to 1/2/4/5 per layer
- Gravekeeper's Cloak magic resistance rescaled from 4/8/12/16% reduction per layer to 3/6/12/16 per layer
- Familiars maximum damage rescaled from 84/105/126 to 56/98/154
- Familiars cooldown from 160 to 180/160/140
- Soul Assumption's mana cost increased from 100 to 150

- Fatal Bonds cooldown decreased from 30 to 25
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Warlock

With Aghanim's Warlock calls down two golems. HP, Attack and Bounty of each is halved to be roughly the same total as before. Deals twice the impact damage and lands 0.3 seconds apart.

Ability Code: S00U

- Arc Lightning cooldown from 2.5 to 2.25 seconds

* Added a new recipe item (Arcane Boots)

This item replaces Arcane Ring.

Arcane Boots:
500 - Boots of Speed
1000 - Energy Booster

+65 Movement Speed
+250 Mana
Replenish Mana (Restores 135 mana to allies in 600 aoe, 45 cd, 25 manacost)
Can be Disassembled
Original Idea from: 245602

* Added new basic item (Orb of Venom)

Located at the secret shops and side shops

- Costs 600 Gold.
- Adds a poison effect to your attacks. Deals 3dps and lasts 3 seconds. 4% slow for ranged, 12% slow for melee.

Assault Cuirass
- Attack Speed decreased from 40% to 35%
- Aura Attack Speed increased from 15% to 20%

Animal Courier
- Price decreased from 200 to 170

Blade Mail
- Damage Return's duration increased from 3.5 to 4 seconds

- Heal on wielder's death increased from 25 per charge to 30
- Now only loses a third of its charges on death (reduced from a half)

Buriza Do Kyanon
- Damage increased by 6 (to equal the total of crystalys and demon edge)

Cranium Basher
- Removed 25% chance to do 25 bonus damage (stun is still the same)
- Cranium Basher bonus damage increased from 30 to 40

Dust of Appearance
- Reduced AOE from 1250 to 1050

Ethereal Blade
- Removed Wraith Band from recipe (same bonuses still though)
- You can now target yourself

Eul's Scepter of Divinity
- Cast range increased from 600 to 700
- Added double click support for Euls (174341)

Eye of Skadi
- Orb of Venom added as a component. Final bonuses are the same as before.
- Recipe price decreased from 750 to 300

Heart of the Tarrasque
- Delay on regeneration reduced from 8 to 6 seconds

- Recipe cost decreased from 900 to 800

- AoE of Restore increased from 450 to 750
- HP aura regen increased from 3 to 4

Quelling Blade
- Tree Chop cooldown decreased from 15 to 10

Sentry Wards
- Increased truesight vision from 800 to 950
- Reduced natural vision to just around itself

Urn of Shadows
- Heal no longer dispels from neutral creep damage
- Added a team notice when someone buys Urn of Shadows recipe

- HP bonus from 300 to 275

Sumber: www.getdota.com